Grace's Blog - Touched By Grace Wellness-HeartCoreHealing, CranioSacral, Reflexology,QHHT, Energy Healing, Reiki

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Get rid of junk, with the Ionic Cleanse!

Touched By Grace Wellness-HeartCoreHealing, CranioSacral, Reflexology,QHHT, Energy Healing, Reiki
Published by Grace Howlett in Featured Service · 30 January 2019
Tags: IonicCleanseIonCleanseAMDdetoxifydetoxremovetoxinsremovechemicals
Clear the Beautiful You Inside

What was your 2018 like? Was it your best year ever? Did you stick to a pure diet? Did you exercise lots, meditate frequently and stay tapped in to you Inner Zen?
Chances are you did not. (I didn't either, if it makes you feel better!) Even if you had, though, your cells were still working hard at repairing and rebuilding and would be leaving behind residual waste. You would have to have perfect elimination to be completely clean inside, and that's something none of us has.

So, what are the clues that tell you when you've got more garbage in your cells than your body can handle right now?  

  • Feeling Lethargic
  • Brain Fog
  • Bloating and gas
  • Acne and skin eruptions
  • Smelly feet and/or armpits

These are main indicators that your body is saying, "Help! I can't do this anymore! I need some help here!"

Fortunately here at the clinic I can offer you an easy way to unload a boatload of these toxins out of your body.

It's called an Ionic Detox.

This machine alters the ionic charge to the molecules in a plain pan of water to create an environment that literally pulls the toxins out of your body and leaves them in the water.

And it doesn't hurt. At all. And it's very safe.

But you might be stunned by the appearance of the water by the end of the session! Here's a look at one session. And I've seen many worse.

When you see what you've so easily gotten rid of, you will be glad to release even more. Perhaps you can realize how much this can help your body stay healthy.

For the month of Febr-YOU-ary I am offering a discounted rate on a package of Ionic Cleanses to help you shed the residue and heaviness left from Christmas dinners and snacks, from sitting indoors while it's freezing cold, and other general stressors that happened in 2018.

Right now, you can purchase 3 Ionic Cleanses for $99 (+GST). That's a savings of over $30 off the regular price!

And to further help you get clearer and ready for Spring in 2019 I'm offering a special discounted rate for a Reflexology session to work with the Ionic Cleanse. When purchased with a Ionic Cleanse Bundle (3 sessions) you can, during Febr-YOU-ary, have a 1 hour Reflexology session for only $59 (+GST). That's a savings of over $20 just on the Reflexology!

See the coupon below to purchase, or come in to the clinic at 2706 13th avenue, Regina.

(You have to physically come in to the clinic to receive your sessions.)

I hope to see you soon!

Releasing cellular toxins and garbage is easy with the Ionic Cleanse!

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